Last night Usain Bolt was slowing down near the end of the 200m semi-final, but Canada's Andre De Grasse pushed hard, forcing Bolt to give his best all the way to the end. The two sprinters smiled as they crossed the finish line.
For me, the goal of competition is NOT to defeat you. Competition allows the excellence in you to inspire more excellence in me. Seeing your best pushes me to find strength within myself that I might never have uncovered alone.
Sometimes your success makes me mad. Not because I'm angry at you, but because you are holding up a mirror image of something I can aspire to that I haven't yet achieved. Sometimes I need to get mad before truly committing to something hard that makes me uncomfortable.
So, THANK YOU for continuing to be amazing. You are helping me reveal my finest self and stretch for bigger dreams.
And this is actually a photo of the two of us! Look at how fast we are TOGETHER!
What is HOPE?
What is HOPE? It is possibility. It's a sense that the future can be different than the past.
Thinking Beyond "Viral"
One of my posts went viral last week. 120,000 likes! 55,000 shares! I'm thrilled this message helped so many people.
But it also stirred up some controversy and angry comments directed at me. A vocal group of people were upset about what I wrote.
In this video, I talk about the experience and how it reminded me to maintain my perspective, keep creating, and know that it's always bigger than me.
For MORE on this topic, I go deeper in the newest episode of my PODCAST... Being an Everyday Hero.
AIRPORTS have taught me about GRACE
I spend a lot of time in airports. I'm sitting in one as I type this. Airports have taught me so much about GRACE.
I find myself surrounded by people who have no idea what they are doing. They don't understand how to use the check-in kiosks. They get in the security line before they have a boarding pass. They leave liquids in their carry-ons & refuse to remove their shoes. They get angry about every policy they don't understand, seeking affirmation for their outrage from any stranger who will make eye contact. They wander aimlessly in crowded terminals looking for a gate that's on the other side of the airport. And they are consistently in the way & slowing down my mission. It's easy to get frustrated.
Although I am confident & knowledgeable at the airport, there are many other parts of my life where I am still figuring it out. Just like the amateur travelers, I feel confused & lost sometimes.
I don't believe I can experience GRACE for my journey if I am unwillingness to extend it to others. Every time I silently forgive their inexperience, I am giving myself permission to make mistakes & look silly as I explore new territory in my life.
I find that the more GRACE I give, the more I have for myself. Plus, it makes crazy travel days so much nicer.
It Will Be Worth It
The country of Fiji won their first Olympic medal this week: Gold in Men's Rugby. They dominated the competition, winning the Gold Medal match 43-7.
Fiji is a collection of tiny islands in the South Pacific. They have participated in the Olympic Games since 1956 without ever reaching the medal stand. And they have taken some tremendous beat-downs. For example, the Fiji soccer team was outscored 23-1 in just 3 games at the Olympics, with a 10-0 loss to Germany.
But they never stopped sending athletes. For them, 60 years of commitment was worth it.
Maybe you feel like you've been battling through life for a while without seeing a Gold Medal. You are probably feeling tired. I know it's discouraging, but don't quit. Keep your faith. Move forward.
It may not happen the way you expect or as quickly as you wish, and it may take more hard work than you imagined, but please don't give up.
Your day is coming. And it will be worth it.
There Is Light Everywhere
I disappeared for 7 days. No Internet, no emails, no social media, no phone.
I spent the week dreaming, thinking, crying, emotionally connecting to the stuff that matters. I took long walks in 3 different countries.
For me, travel is an opportunity to remove the distractions and go deeper. Into the places I am putting my faith. Into the extraordinary movements within that are so much bigger.
Today, I see it more clearly, and yet I have no idea what's actually going to happen next. I make plans, but God always seems to work though wonderful people, revealing something more expansive, joyful, and beautiful than I could have envisioned. I'm never quite ready, but I will bring everything in my heart, and I know it will be enough.
Today, I have so much love for you. All the incredible goodness and mysteries, and all the times you mess things up. That huge recent achievement that you've almost forgotten, and the time you tripped on your own feet and nearly fell down the stairs.
There is light everywhere. In the world. In me. In you. When I silenced all the voices for 7 days I truly knew it.
Don't let the commentators, voices of fear, and your social media feed lie to you. Hope is real. Amazing things are coming.
And I'm happy to be home.
You Don't Have to Stay Down
I remember when I saw the photo of Michael Phelps smoking pot. He had become the most decorated athlete in the history of the Olympics, but overnight he lost millions in endorsements and outraged countless ‘fans’. Phelps reportedly told a close friend, “I don’t want to be alive anymore.”
Just a few years later, he was arrested & charged for driving under the influence of alcohol. He voluntarily checked into a 45-day rehab program, but I thought Michael Phelps was done as a swimmer.
Last night, Phelps won 2 more Olympic Gold Medals. At 31, he became the oldest swimmer to win an individual gold in Olympic history.
In life, you will fall. You will make mistakes. It’s unavoidable. But, when it happens, will you choose to get back up?
No matter where you find yourself today, you don’t have to stay down. Take a breath, ask for help, and keep fighting.
Filming in Chicago for "A Voice that Carries"
I'm in the suburbs of Chicago filming with Josh. He has 4 daughters... 3 are triplets! His story will be featured in our upcoming documentary film, A Voice That Carries.
It's not always easy to be a Dad with a house full of young ladies. But he has found unique ways to encourage his girls to embrace their own heroic journey.
I'm excited for you to meet them in A Voice That Carries! And... I love my job.
All of us need to be told: “You can be a HERO!”
This is a driving force behind my films, podcast, writing, and presentations. We need to be reminded. And each of us can affirm & encourage the heroic spirit in others.
Loved sharing these thoughts recently in Washington DC for one of the top travel companies in the world. Thanks to Michael Cerbelli for inviting me to be part of this inspiring event!
A Heart to Help
Nine-year-old Tyler Fugett used his allowance to create a library for inmates at a local jail. He wanted to give people who were behind bars something to take their minds off their surroundings.
He showed up without warning at the sheriff’s office, armed with more than 100 books. Tyler told them that if inmates read, maybe they wouldn't have time to think about doing bad things.
I love his heart!
Photo Credit: Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office
How the Big Stuff Happens
I saw this flyer while walking in NYC. Nearly 20 years ago, I started my business with flyers just like it... complete with the rip-off tabs on the bottom. Mine advertised wedding videos for $150.
Launching a new idea is rarely glamorous. Typically, it's high on passion & low on funding. There aren't any limos, press interviews, or famous clients. It's just you & an ugly flyer.
So, just start. Wherever you are today, get moving. Post the flyer. Send the emails. Make the phone calls. Set the meeting. Stir up some dust.
The greatest stories we've ever told begin in wildernesses, and barns, and dirty streets, and in the minds of everyday people who were willing to look foolish to pursue a dream.
Today, feel free to do something a little crazy in pursuit of something beautiful. That's how the big stuff always happens.
A New Blog from Tricia
My wife Tricia has struggled with chronic illness for the past 20 years.
I have never posted about this. I’ve always felt it was her story to tell. And she is now choosing to share it in a new BLOG.
This site reveals her emotional & spiritual journey to find her truest self in the midst of physical pain, depression, and doubt. It’s an expression of the faith & open heart of the most beautiful person on the planet. (I’m not biased)
Even if you’ve never struggled with long-term illness or depression, I think this BLOG will help you see beyond the circumstances you can’t control and into the inner light you are carrying.
Read now at: Please consider sharing with anyone you think this would bless.
Speaking for the Association of Wish Granting Organizations
I recently spoke in Orlando at the annual conference of the Association of Wish Granting Organizations. These real-life superheroes are focused on bringing joy to children and adults with seemingly insurmountable health challenges.
I was honored affirm the value of their work and share perspectives on leadership, storytelling, and relationship building.
The world is FILLED with heroes!
Filled with Wonder
I opened the door for an evening walk tonight and found 8 deer in my neighbor's front yard. I quickly invited my son Judah to join me outside.
As our 2 families shared a silent moment together, I was reminded that the world continues to be filled with beauty and wonder beyond expression.
Be Willing to Own Your Dreams
Several months ago, my son Judah shared that one of his dreams was to sit in a Lamborghini Aventador, a $400k sports car. He declared that one day it would happen. And today was that day!
Sometimes, we are afraid to own our crazy dreams. We are unwilling to speak them aloud. But it's incredible how simple thoughts can begin to become real when we let them out to play.
I love seeing dreams come true. Both the small ones and the big ones. Especially for people as lovable as Judah. And YOU.
The World Needs a Big Mess of YOU
My favorite scene in the new film X-Men: Apocalypse happens near the beginning. Scott Summers (AKA Cyclops) is experiencing his superpower for the first time. He can shoot lasers from his eyes, but he can’t control it. Scott is brought to see Charles Xavier, who runs a school for young people on his family estate.
When Charles asks for a demonstration, Scott shows his full power, and his blast accidently destroys a giant tree. It was a tree Charles’s father had planted as a child – the tree Charles loved most on the estate.
With regret, Scott says, “Does that mean I’m expelled?”
Charles replies, “No, it means you are enrolled.”
As awesome as you are, YOU are a mess. But, you are not alone… I’m a mess too.
LOVE is about seeing those flaws and insecurities and still choosing to embrace each other, even though we will sometimes create chaos and frustration in each other’s lives. Your messiness requires me to be more flexible and open. I must choose to see your value as more important than my personal agenda.
And I will do this because I see YOUR POWER. There is something inside of you that the world needs. You matter. I know the strength in you, and I will accept the messiness of our shared humanity so you can see your ‘superhero self’ clearly and without fear.
Blast away.
The Universe You Live In
My son's yearbook was lost. Because of the circumstances, we were sure it had been stolen, and our whole family was sad. Logan is moving to a new program next year without any of his close friends, so this book and the signatures he collected were important to him.
Then, minutes before he left on the last day of school, a kind-hearted person saved the day and made sure the yearbook was returned!
Here's the reason this story is very good news: It means YOU live in a universe where lost yearbooks are found... where unexpected moments can change everything... where the improbable happens all the time... where a story you thought was broken can have a happy ending.
If this can happen to my son, imagine what could happen for YOU today. Or tomorrow. Or in the days ahead.
This, dear friends, is the essence of HOPE. And it's the reason we need to keep sharing beautiful stories with each other. They remind us that - in both the small things and the big things - anything is possible.
Connect With People Where They Are
At my son's 8th grade graduation ceremony, a student diagnosed with autism made it to the stairs but was uncomfortable to get up on the stage when his name was called. Without hesitation, the team of school administrators walked down the stairs and presented his certificate exactly as they would have if he was on stage. They were willing to meet him where he was.
We all encounter situations where people are unable to live up to the systems or standards we have set. Your instinct might be to judge them until they change. But the more compassionate decision is usually to love them right where they are.
Wherever You Are, Invest the Best of Yourself
While filming an interview at a home in Tampa yesterday, I thought I recognized the wedding photos on the wall. After a little discussion, we realized we had met before.
Twelve years ago, I filmed the weddings for both their daughter & son! And they pulled out this VHS copy of one of the wedding movies! We then had a delightful conversation about the importance of family, history, and stories.
My life has never been a straight line. It has always been a beautiful mess of adventures I didn’t expect. But I am reminded that every stage of the journey is an opportunity to bless others.
Wherever you find yourself today – whoever you are with, whatever you are doing – invest the best of yourself into it. Look for ways to share love & light with others.
You never know when you will find a bit of yourself living in the home – or heart – of someone down the road.
Struggling with the Unpredictable
While we were out with friends on Friday night, we discovered we had a flat tire. A rainstorm began immediately. When we tried to change the tire, we realized it had a bolt lock, and we didn’t have a key for it. So, the car had to be towed to a nearby tire store for work the next morning.
The tow truck driver & I agreed on a location, but when I called the store first thing the next morning, my car wasn’t there. It took an hour of calling around to locate it at a different shop. Rather than putting the key in their dropbox, the tow truck driver had locked the keys inside the car, so I had to immediately drive 30-minutes to open the car. They had several morning appointments, so we wait a few hours for the tire to be fixed.
It shouldn’t take this much effort to fix a flat tire. But sometimes this is life. Simple things can become complicated, and unexpected small details can bring our plans to a halt. Certain days, this is our reality and we can’t get away from it. But the way we choose to emotionally respond to these moments defines the way we feel about everything else.
For much of my life, I have struggled with these unpredictable moments. I have let them distract me from joy. I have allowed frustration to disturb my peace. But this weekend I was able to laugh with the journey, embrace the craziness, and accept the moment as a gift… even though it wasn’t what I would have chosen. And I was blessed to be surrounded by people who saw it the same way.
For me, it wasn’t wasted time. It was an opportunity to remember that I’m not in control, but I can be at peace wherever I find myself. And I believe you can too.