Supporting Each Other's Dreams

Three years ago, we released the Trailer for our documentary film Legends of the Knight. On that day, an article I wrote about the journey was posted.


I wrote this BEFORE the Trailer went viral on YouTube. Before the project was covered by USA Today. Before I imagined a plan for screening it in 100 cities to support charities. Before I had any idea the finished film would be on Netflix, Hulu, & iTunes. I wrote this from a place of FAITH.

If you are struggling to bring something new into the world, this article is for YOU.

The most important part is the ending...
"One of the greatest gifts we can give is supporting each other’s dreams. In this moment, please hear me say this to you: Your dream is good. The world needs it. You can make it real. Don’t finish the journey with your dream still inside you."

Thanks, Ron Dawson, for inviting me to write this 3 years ago.