
The Power of Strategic Storytelling

Strategic thinking is at the heart of many of our most important decisions. But let me ask you this: Are you harnessing the true potential of strategic storytelling?

Friends, if you're not strategically weaving the narratives that matter, the less desirable stories might just take the spotlight. People tend to remember the challenges and setbacks, and these stories can dominate the narrative.

But here's the good news —YOU have the power to shape this narrative. As a leader, you can't control what people say, but you can cultivate a culture that celebrates and amplifies the stories of triumph, resilience, and growth.

That is the essence of strategic leadership in storytelling. It's about inspiring your team to seek out the moments of brilliance, the acts of kindness, and the unwavering dedication that often go unnoticed.

I've poured my heart and soul into helping people tell their best stories in their life and through their work. This is my core message as a keynote speaker and filmmaker.

Being a Compassionate Disrupter

Mister Rogers was a disrupter.

We don’t normally talk about him that way. We see the kind, gentle energy of his on-screen presence.

But he was constantly challenging the status quo of children’s television. He saw a bigger vision, and he wasn’t afraid to be a troublemaker.

This reality about Fred Rogers has helped me immensely. I always want to bring compassion, care, and positivity. I want people to see the unrealized potential in themselves and in the world. But, within that vision, there is always some disruption. And that disturbs people who have a personal interest in things remaining unchanged.

I have always resisted that disrupting aspect of my energy. I just want to hug people and bring peace. But the full expanse of my calling in the world demands more. Maybe yours does too.

Meaningful growth calls for meaningful shifts.

Hope demands some troublemaking.

Impact requires boldness.

Even if your role model is Mister Rogers.

In Search of JOYFUL GLUE

I was recently interviewing a business leader for a short film. We were talking about building environments that inspire passion, creativity, and teamwork. She said, "We want the business to do more than make a profit. It should be a JOYFUL GLUE that allows people to feel connected to each other while accomplishing an exciting mission together."

This week, I've been thinking about how every part of my life where I interact with others can be Joyful Glue. Although it's wonderful to have a long list of successful projects, if those accomplishments didn't build deeper connections & relationships, they were missed opportunities.

I am now inspired to bring this perspective to everything. In work, family, & every kind of community, I think there is always an opportunity to unify & build an uplifting connectedness.

It is my desire for everything I do to be a Joyful Glue!

Building a legacy of leadership

Several months ago, I was commissioned to create a series of short films for the 100th Anniversary of a successful family-owned company called Meritex.  I was excited to watch the films play at last night's special event in Minneapolis. 

During production, after filming 22 hours of interview footage, it was clear how important this guy named Harry was to everyone.

At 92-years-old, he was the patriarch of the business & the heart of the family. I recommended we create a special tribute film for Harry & then present him with a custom piece of artwork: Harry & his grandchildren in the style of his favorite comic strip. As his 14 grandchildren grew up, Harry regularly mailed each of them Peanuts comic strips he cut from his morning paper along with handwritten notes.

I was honored to be part of this inspiring, emotional moment last night in Minneapolis as hundreds of family members, friends, & business associates celebrated this kind, funny, humble, soft-spoken man from St. Paul. Although my calling is very different from his, I hope to one day leave a legacy like Harry.

Thanks to Steve Goad for bringing this amazing artwork to life & to Ryan Hanson for inviting me to contribute to this project.

Everyday Leadership creates a Legacy

I spent yesterday producing a short film at a private university in California. The piece will honor a retiring professor who spent 50 years teaching at the school. 

As I interviewed a few of his former students, I was reminded of the impact each of us have, often without realizing it. He inspired thousands of young people who are now making a difference as therapists & psychologists. 

In the end, the things you accomplish for yourself will disappear. Your lasting legacy is the investment you make in others. That impact will outlive you & bless people you will never meet. It's an 'everyday leadership' that creates lasting change. And it begins with the choices you make TODAY.

Keep Going

I'm in Minneapolis this week producing films for the 100th anniversary of a successful family-owned company.

In one of the interviews, an executive said: "We've survived the Great Depression, multiple recessions, & countless failed projects. Looking back at all the challenges we have overcome gives us strength to look ahead with confidence & belief."

Today, take a minute to think about the past difficulties you have conquered & learned from. Each of them is evidence that you have the resilience & capacity to work through whatever you are facing right now. 

Your past has been preparing you for this moment.   Keep going.

Supporting Each Other's Dreams

Three years ago, we released the Trailer for our documentary film Legends of the Knight. On that day, an article I wrote about the journey was posted.


I wrote this BEFORE the Trailer went viral on YouTube. Before the project was covered by USA Today. Before I imagined a plan for screening it in 100 cities to support charities. Before I had any idea the finished film would be on Netflix, Hulu, & iTunes. I wrote this from a place of FAITH.

If you are struggling to bring something new into the world, this article is for YOU.

The most important part is the ending...
"One of the greatest gifts we can give is supporting each other’s dreams. In this moment, please hear me say this to you: Your dream is good. The world needs it. You can make it real. Don’t finish the journey with your dream still inside you."

Thanks, Ron Dawson, for inviting me to write this 3 years ago.

Solving the 10,000 problems

"There are no comfortable problems left to be solved. The only problems left are uncomfortable."

I’m making another film. On the fun days, I’m the Director, and I get to use my creative, artistic side. 

But on many days, I’m the Producer. As a guy making a small independent film, Producer is just a fancy title for Problem Solver. I estimate I will need to solve at least 10,000 problems to make & share this movie. And most problems require me to enter uncomfortable spaces, which isn’t easy for me. 

I think uncomfortableness is a primary reason many of us get stuck, in work & in life. To experience personal growth or achieve something extraordinary, we face challenges that are painful. And we usually run from the things that hurt. 

But if you want change, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable. Discomfort is an investment in the potential you see ahead of you. If you can get a clear vision of the dream in front of you – a successful project, a healthy body, a more Spirit-filled life, a stronger marriage, a better job, a happier home life, a more solid financial position – it gives your pain purpose & keeps you motivated. 

So, today I’m going to tackle a few of the 10,000 problems I will need to solve to finish this film. 

The problems make me feel uncomfortable, but I’m in love with the new movie. And I think you will like it too.