
Connecting with The Salvation Army

Today we shared our documentary film Legends of the Knight at The Salvation Army of Tampa/Hillsborough County.  We loved watching the movie with the individuals they serve & talking about the inspirational messages behind the film. 

Through our not-for-profit The Rising Heroes Project, we are connecting with other charitable organizations to share this film and our upcoming documentaries Look to the Sky and A Voice That Carries.

Supporting PACE Center for Girls

A recent screening of Legends of the Knight raised $5,000 for PACE Center for Girls (Pasco)! This amazing organization mentors & educates at-risk young women, helping them become powerful superheroes.

After an inspiring community screening, Tricia & I were able to visit their center & speak to 50 girls who are part of their program.  Many of these girls have troubled backgrounds & have experienced deep heartbreak.

Near the end of our time together, I asked them: "What did you learn from watching our film Legends of the Knight & discussing it together?"

One of the girls replied, "My life can be different, but the process is slow. And one day, my pain will allow me to help someone else."

Oh man. My heart is so full!

Thanks to Amanda Simon ColónZac Hurst, and so many others who made this wonderful event happen!  And thanks to PACE Center for Girls Inc for the positive impact they are making. So happy to support your efforts!

‪#‎WeAreBatman‬ - ‪#‎SupermanIsReal‬ - ‪#‎RisingHero‬

Speaking to the United Way

With our next documentary film, Look to the Sky, we want to create an even bigger impact! We are building partnerships with charitable organizations that can use these superhero films as tools to inspire their community & fundraise.

Today, I spoke to a coalition of organizations that assist the homeless. I loved seeing their hearts to help others, and I’m looking forward to the positive impact we will make together!

Compassion & Clean Laundry

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Last night, I joined a group of church friends at a local laundry mat. For 3 hours, we paid for the washing & drying of anyone who came in.

We felt it was a simple & kind way to help a neighborhood in need. We met them, hugged them, listened to their stories, & helped wash their clothes.

To me, it seemed like a small thing. But, to the unemployed construction worker, the single mother of 3, & the lady who was recently living in a tent, this small gift represented light in a dark place.

We loved the experience. We are planning to do it again on the first Thursday of next month. And we are expecting a bigger crowd of people who need clean clothes & a few moments of compassion.

Small actions have the power to make a big impact. Doing good doesn't have to be complicated. Today, please take the time to open your eyes, look around, & spread kindness. 

Honored by Beads of Courage

I'm crying again.

Beads of Courage supports children facing serious illness by giving them a special glass bead at each landmark moment in their journey. 

And there is now an official Legends of the KnightBead of Courage! It has already raised $1,000 to support these young warriors.

Thanks to the heroic efforts of my new friends JamieCynthia, & Sydney's Coins for Courage, brave young people will receive these Batman beads along with a limited-edition certificate of authenticity. 

I generally don't get too excited about physical items, but I'm pretty much in-love with the bead they gave me. And I'm the only grown-up who gets one! 

I'm kind of beside myself about this. Three years ago, I would never have imagined that this project would bless people in these ways. I am honored by everyone who has supported our work & found new ways of sharing the film's message. 

Redeeming Tragedy

I was 6 months into production on Legends of the Knight when tragedy struck in Aurora, CO. Many people were killed & injured at a theatrical screening of a Batman movie by a man dressed as the Joker. I was heartbroken for the families affected by this horrific event. And I was extremely insecure about the future of this project, which had become so important to me.

For the months following this tragedy, many of my conversations about Legends of the Knight received negative feedback. In light of Aurora, some people I spoke to felt our subject matter was insensitive to those affected & would be poorly received by the general public.

I am an highly sensitive person, & this was a very discouraging period for me. My dream to do good seemed destined to fail. But time has shown that these fears were empty, & I am grateful for those who encouraged me to press on.

You can imagine my joy in learning that a theatrical screening has been requested near Aurora, CO. Proceeds from the screening will benefit Aurora Rise, which continues to assist families who were affected by this tragedy.

I am overwhelmed that our film has the opportunity to help their community. It is a reminder to me that even when everything seems ruined, your story is NEVER over. Your struggle can become a blessing to someone else.

If you are near the Denver, CO area – or you know someone who is – please help this screening become a reality. Share this event. Use the comments to tag friends in the Denver-area. Purchase a few $12 tickets. They need to pre-sell 66 tickets in the next few days to confirm the showing. All the info is here:

As always, THANK YOU for being part of this adventure with me! 

YOU are a beautiful story

I just finished a conference call with a not-for-profit client. After listening to them talk about their goals, I shared a vision for a film I might produce for them. I talked about their impact & how their dream is making the world a better place. I expressed how their story is a bright light in a dark world.

When I finished, we had to pause the call because the Founder of the organization was crying. He said that in 18 years of building the organization, he had never been affirmed in quite this way.

I was reminded of the need we all have to be told that we matter. That our dreams are important. That our story can shine light in dark places. That the work we do makes a difference.

So, please hear me say it to you today: "YOU are a beautiful story."

And please say it to someone else. We all need to hear it.