Honored by Beads of Courage

I'm crying again.

Beads of Courage supports children facing serious illness by giving them a special glass bead at each landmark moment in their journey. 

And there is now an official Legends of the KnightBead of Courage! It has already raised $1,000 to support these young warriors.

Thanks to the heroic efforts of my new friends JamieCynthia, & Sydney's Coins for Courage, brave young people will receive these Batman beads along with a limited-edition certificate of authenticity. 

I generally don't get too excited about physical items, but I'm pretty much in-love with the bead they gave me. And I'm the only grown-up who gets one! 

I'm kind of beside myself about this. Three years ago, I would never have imagined that this project would bless people in these ways. I am honored by everyone who has supported our work & found new ways of sharing the film's message. 

Our Words Matter

I recently read an interview with Carroll Spinney, the man who has brought Big Bird to life on Sesame Street since 1969. He told a story about speaking on the phone in his Big Bird voice with a 5-year-old who was in the hospital with cancer. 

Carroll said: 
"His father wrote to me right away, and said 'Thank you, thank you'... When the phone was hung up, my son said 'Big Bird called me! He's my friend.'
And he closed his eyes. And he passed away.
His father said 'We haven't seen our little boy smile in MONTHS. He smiled, as he passed away. It was a gift to us. Thank you.'
And I could see that what I say to children can be very important." 

With our words, we have the power to spread love, grace, & hope. What we say to each other is very important.

False Idols

In the recent Hollywood Reporter interview with Natalie Portman, here's what she said about winning the Academy Award for Black Swan:

"I was reading the story of Abraham to my child and talking about, like, not worshiping false idols. And this is literally like gold men. This is lit­er­ally worshiping gold idols — if you worship it. That's why [the Oscar is] not displayed on the wall. It's a false idol."

Awards can be wonderful for spreading the word about great work & inspiring the best in us. But when they become more important than "real" things... when they become a way to feed ego... when they define our identity, chasing awards & achievement can be destructive. 

I continue to find that doing meaningful work & giving your best to make the world a kinder, more beautiful place is the most fulfilling reward.

Here's the full interview with Natalie here: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/natalie-portman-sounds-israel-netanyahu-793425

Breaking Barriers

My youngest son posted his 1st video on YouTube.

Here's why this is extraordinary:

4 years ago, Judah was diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum. An expert told us a list of things he would NEVER be able to do.

In this video, he does at least 4 things the expert said he "couldn't" do.

This video was his idea, & he insisted it be uploaded & shared. He decided on the topic & content without any feedback from us. 

The message has 4 points, plus an intro & closing. There was no written script -- he organized it in his head.  We recorded this 3-min clip in the first take without a single cut. He was clear, focused, & articulate.

Life is full of things you "can't' do. But, by the grace of God, the love of others, and commitment & hard work, all of us have the potential to break through the barriers others place on us.

To all who have supported our journey with Judah... THANK YOU. To my wife Tricia... you are amazing. To my son Judah... you are a hero.

A Song of Hope


After being kidnapped, 10-year-old Willie Myrick sang a gospel song for 3 hours. The kidnapper repeatedly told Myrick to shut up, but he wouldn’t. In frustration, the kidnapper let him out of the car.

When you are feeling alone or in despair, sing a song of HOPE! Let light drive out darkness. 

You can watch a VIDEO of the boy singing the song on Arsenio Hall's show, along with the writer of the song. Skip to 4:00 in the video:

Life Is Tough For Everyone

tough stuff.jpg

I am blessed to post lots of fabulous stuff. But - for all of us - there's a lot of messy, frustrating, unglamorous stuff that fills in the spaces between our posts.

I will keep cheering on your successes. And I hope you will cheer me on. But, you can always assume that there are plenty of difficulties, challenges, & uncomfortable things you don't see. 

So, please don't compare your journey to what you see here. Let's just enjoy sharing our adventures with each other & pursuing our own dreams.

You are doing great! Keep going!

Speaking in Nashville

What an amazing day in Nashville!

Honored to speak to an incredible group of heroes. Although it was a work event for them, they still brought costumes to show their inner superhero. And attendees could stand inside a life-size action figure box for photos!

What a joyful experience for me! And an incredible blessing to share our journey with "Legends of the Knight" & inspire hope in others. 


Saying "I'm Sorry"

I say "I'm sorry" a lot. Often, it's for things that I wasn't involved in. People typically respond with: "It's not your fault. You don't need to apologize for a problem that isn't yours."

In his recent blog post, Seth Godin explains why I will keep saying "I'm sorry", even when people don't always understand why: There are two kinds of, "I'm sorry." The first kind is the apology of responsibility, of blame and of litigation. It is the four-year old saying to his brother, "I'm sorry I hit you in the face." And it is the apology of the surgeon who forgot to insert sterile dressings and almost killed you.

The other kind of sorry is an expression of humanity. It says, "I SEE YOU and I SEE YOUR PAIN." This is the sorry we utter at a funeral, or when we hear that someone has stumbled. You don't have to be in charge to say you're sorry. You don't even have to be responsible. All you need to do is care. In this case, "I'm sorry," is precisely the opposite of, "I'm sorry you feel that way," which of course pushes the other person away, often forever.

As we've been busy commercializing, industrializing and lawyering the world, countless bureaucrats have forgotten what it means to be human, and have forgotten how much it means to us to hear someone say it, and mean it. "I'm sorry you missed your flight, and I can only imagine how screwed up the rest of your trip is going to be because of it."

"I SEE YOU," is what we crave.

Read Seth's blog post at: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2015/03/sorry-confusion.html

Artwork for a True Superhero

My friend Monica created the beautiful piece of art that is featured throughout Legends of the Knight.  You might assume that this artwork is at my house. But it isn't. 

The art was given to the film's production partner POP Kollaborative, who generously supported our efforts. One of their team members is Charlene Roth-Diddams. When our Trailer was released, Charlene's grandson Alex had just been born, but he had a medical challenge that required 3 surgeries in his first few months. 

When Charlene showed our Trailer to her son during this difficult time, he said: "This movie is about Alex - Alex is Batman & he is going to be OK."

Our friends at POP decided that it was only appropriate for Alex & his family to have the art. And it's a joy to me to know that this piece now lives in the home of a true superhero. 

Today is Tricia’s birthday

Some people seek their own identity, then look for love. We did the opposite… we fell in love 18 years ago & built our identity together. 

If I know something, she probably knows it within a few hours. If I make a decision, she has already analyzed, critiqued, & improved it before I made it. If I accept a project, she has approved it. And no film is finished until she likes it. 

I do not chase dreams without her. If we don’t accomplish it together, it’s not worth pursuing. The relationship has become more important than the achievement. And the dreams we realize together are always better. 

To see my heart is to see Tricia’s heart. To know our children is to experience our love expressed. 

So, Happy Birthday to my one true love, my dream girl, my partner in all things, my help, my guide, my muse, and my beloved. 

If the world falls apart tomorrow - and it’s just You & Me - that will be enough. 

I love you.

You are Loved

On Valentine's Day, please know this: YOU ARE LOVED. Completely. Fully. Deeply. Even in the places you keep secret. In the parts of yourself that you think are unlovable.

Even if you can't feel it in this moment. You are held safe in an embrace of affection that will never let you go. You are never alone.

You. Are. Loved.

Use Words

In a Wedding Film I recently completed, the Father of the Bride said this during the toast at the reception:

“Some of you knew my Dad. He was a great man. He helped support and raise 8 kids, but had difficulty expressing his feelings to his children. We knew he loved us, but the words just weren’t there. 
So, to my daughter, on your day, I want you to hear my words:
I love you, and I am so proud of you.”

If you love someone, make sure they know it. Use words.

"I am a Champion"

Judah has been in kettlebell training for the past 6 months. It's a type of weight lifting. 

At today's competition, he did 191 reps in 10 min. Each rep is lifting a weight from the ground over your head. For Judah, this was a triumph!All the other athletes were cheering him on during the final minute. 

Right after, he hugged me & whispered in my ear, "I am a champion". 

Yes, you are, my son

A new friend at the airport

On this early morning at airport security, I met a mom flying solo with 2 small kids in their PJs. The tired 2-year-old boy began sobbing when security required him to surrender his Batman picture book for x-ray scan. The mom was trying to calm her son while also holding a small baby & working to fold a 2-child stroller.

So I did the only logical thing... I told the boy a Batman tale. And he let go of the book & smiled. The story continued as we walked through the scanners & they hand-searched the diaper bag & stroller.

What looked like a small disaster became a blessing. And I met a new friend. 

Redeeming Tragedy

I was 6 months into production on Legends of the Knight when tragedy struck in Aurora, CO. Many people were killed & injured at a theatrical screening of a Batman movie by a man dressed as the Joker. I was heartbroken for the families affected by this horrific event. And I was extremely insecure about the future of this project, which had become so important to me.

For the months following this tragedy, many of my conversations about Legends of the Knight received negative feedback. In light of Aurora, some people I spoke to felt our subject matter was insensitive to those affected & would be poorly received by the general public.

I am an highly sensitive person, & this was a very discouraging period for me. My dream to do good seemed destined to fail. But time has shown that these fears were empty, & I am grateful for those who encouraged me to press on.

You can imagine my joy in learning that a theatrical screening has been requested near Aurora, CO. Proceeds from the screening will benefit Aurora Rise, which continues to assist families who were affected by this tragedy.

I am overwhelmed that our film has the opportunity to help their community. It is a reminder to me that even when everything seems ruined, your story is NEVER over. Your struggle can become a blessing to someone else.

If you are near the Denver, CO area – or you know someone who is – please help this screening become a reality. Share this event. Use the comments to tag friends in the Denver-area. Purchase a few $12 tickets. They need to pre-sell 66 tickets in the next few days to confirm the showing. All the info is here: www.tugg.com/events/8437

As always, THANK YOU for being part of this adventure with me! 

#WEareBATMAN in Memphis, TN

Here's an incredible way to start the weekend! A note from a Mom who took her son to a screening of Legends of the Knight. When I am tired & feel discouraged, I will re-read THIS NOTE: 

Dear Brett,
Our family attended the screening in Memphis. We needed this film more than you can ever imagine. Our youngest son, Chase, has faced such horrific medical nightmares. He embodies the term superhero.
If you could have seen my little guy's face watching the movie. Who would have thought this medically fragile, autistic kid would connect so completely to your documentary? At one point, he just stretched out his arms and whispered "We are Batman". It was the most beautiful thing we have ever seen.
Guess what I am trying to say is you have made such a difference. Think how many lives will be blessed because somebody ‘gets’ them. Or they finally ‘get’ themselves.
Keep going,

My most heartfelt thanks to EVERYONE who is helping us make these experiences possible for families around the country!

YOU are a beautiful story

I just finished a conference call with a not-for-profit client. After listening to them talk about their goals, I shared a vision for a film I might produce for them. I talked about their impact & how their dream is making the world a better place. I expressed how their story is a bright light in a dark world.

When I finished, we had to pause the call because the Founder of the organization was crying. He said that in 18 years of building the organization, he had never been affirmed in quite this way.

I was reminded of the need we all have to be told that we matter. That our dreams are important. That our story can shine light in dark places. That the work we do makes a difference.

So, please hear me say it to you today: "YOU are a beautiful story."

And please say it to someone else. We all need to hear it.

It's a good day

"I know today is Monday and you assume it’s going to be terrible. But according to statistics, there will be over 5,000 weddings, 10,000 childbirths, and 42 million hugs occurring today throughout the United States. Also today, there will be 600 dogs adopted, 35,000 balloons sold, and 800,000 skittles eaten. Plus, the words 'I love you' will be said over 9 million times.

"So again, I know today is Monday. But just smile. Because according to statistics, it should actually be a really nice day."