Being a Compassionate Disrupter

Mister Rogers was a disrupter.

We don’t normally talk about him that way. We see the kind, gentle energy of his on-screen presence.

But he was constantly challenging the status quo of children’s television. He saw a bigger vision, and he wasn’t afraid to be a troublemaker.

This reality about Fred Rogers has helped me immensely. I always want to bring compassion, care, and positivity. I want people to see the unrealized potential in themselves and in the world. But, within that vision, there is always some disruption. And that disturbs people who have a personal interest in things remaining unchanged.

I have always resisted that disrupting aspect of my energy. I just want to hug people and bring peace. But the full expanse of my calling in the world demands more. Maybe yours does too.

Meaningful growth calls for meaningful shifts.

Hope demands some troublemaking.

Impact requires boldness.

Even if your role model is Mister Rogers.