Helping Each Other Get Home

Yesterday, I helped a 2-year-old boy who was lost & frightened. He was shaking, with tears in his eyes, but he wasn’t making a sound. I had my own plans, & I almost missed him.

I asked, “Are you lost?” He reached out his arms, so I picked him up. I asked him a few more questions, but he didn’t answer. He just squeezed me more tightly. I repeated, "Everything is OK. I'm going to help you. You're not alone."

It took us about 5-minutes to find his Dad. By the time we did, the boy was gripping me so tightly, we had a hard time detaching him.

The experience reminded me of this:

  • There are people everywhere who need love. Don’t be too focused on your own mission to see them.
  • Sometimes, the people who need the most love don’t ask & never make a sound. Look for them. Convince them they are not alone. 
  • We all have moments where we lose sight of our Father. The greatest gift we can give is to help each other get home.

Emotional Authenticity is POWERFUL

Yesterday, I shared an emotional video about my personal reaction to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (watch it: This video has sparked a strong positive reaction, and it has reminded me of something very important:

For the past week, superhero fans have been ripping each other apart about this film. Disagreement has led to insults & hatred. We feel that we are supposed to 'win' the argument, and the world teaches us that loud words & anger are the best way to achieve that. But, in the end, we disconnect from each other, & everyone loses.

In my little video, I unintentionally did something that changed the discussion for many: I showed my heart. I chose to be vulnerable. In an effort to help people connect, I shared weakness. I let people see me cry. And the impact has astonished me, including members of the cast & crew of Batman v Superman sharing the video on social media.  

From the article in "We see so many reviews and movie analysis on the internet nowadays, that it's rare for one, in particular, to reach through all the noise and really speak to you. That said, it is exactly what Brett Culp, of The Rising Heroes Project, manages to do. Cyborg actor Ray Fisher shared the heartfelt review of his Instagram, adding 'Here's a link to a touching interpretation of the heart of Batman V Superman.'"

Emotional Authenticity is POWERFUL. And I think the reason is simple… I’m not particularly excited about your opinions. I’m not drawn to what you think. But I am deeply interested in YOU. Your heart is beautiful. It matters to me. And when I see it, I am reminded of why I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. It allows me to see once again that ‘our mothers have the same name’.

Living with an open heart is sometimes painful. Exposing the REAL YOU can lead to hurt & rejection. It’s risky. But the world needs your heart. And, deep inside, you need to share it.

Thanks for being a superhero.

"I will never forget this moment"

After watching the Transformers movie, my son got really excited about the Camaro. When we stopped by a local dealership to see the car in real life, the salesperson saw Judah's enthusiasm & insisted he ride in one. My son jumped a few feet off the group when 'Bumblebee' pulled around the corner, & we got to take it for a 15-minute drive. 

As we were driving, Judah said: "I will never forget this moment. This is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me!"

My 'grownup self' knew it was just an everyday test drive. But the child in me was reminded to see the magic. Life moves fast, & some days it seems overwhelming. But I want to be a person that feels the excitement & wonder within every experience I am given. 

This week, I hope you will be able to take a breath, see the beauty around you, & say, "I will never forget this moment."

Everyday Leadership creates a Legacy

I spent yesterday producing a short film at a private university in California. The piece will honor a retiring professor who spent 50 years teaching at the school. 

As I interviewed a few of his former students, I was reminded of the impact each of us have, often without realizing it. He inspired thousands of young people who are now making a difference as therapists & psychologists. 

In the end, the things you accomplish for yourself will disappear. Your lasting legacy is the investment you make in others. That impact will outlive you & bless people you will never meet. It's an 'everyday leadership' that creates lasting change. And it begins with the choices you make TODAY.

Keeping Frustrations in Perspective

Tough travel day from Tampa to Los Angeles. Delayed flights, re-routed airports, re-working rental car reservations. And I still have at least 8 hours of travel ahead. 

For a minute, I felt like a pioneer battling to the west coast in a covered wagon.  Then, I remembered I was sitting on a soft seat, in an air-conditioned room, eating a sandwich I didn't make, preparing to fly through the air & travel thousands of miles to capture a beautiful story for an inspiring film I am privileged to be producing.

Life is hard sometime. But we are truly blessed.

Speaking in Calgary

I had such a wonderful time speaking in Calgary. 

The audience was so warm & kind that after the presentation I felt spontaneously compelled to go table-to-table & hug each person. It turned out to be such a beautiful way to celebrate our time together talking about leadership, hope, & dreams.

Truly an incredible group of people!

Connecting with The Salvation Army

Today we shared our documentary film Legends of the Knight at The Salvation Army of Tampa/Hillsborough County.  We loved watching the movie with the individuals they serve & talking about the inspirational messages behind the film. 

Through our not-for-profit The Rising Heroes Project, we are connecting with other charitable organizations to share this film and our upcoming documentaries Look to the Sky and A Voice That Carries.

Keep Going

I'm in Minneapolis this week producing films for the 100th anniversary of a successful family-owned company.

In one of the interviews, an executive said: "We've survived the Great Depression, multiple recessions, & countless failed projects. Looking back at all the challenges we have overcome gives us strength to look ahead with confidence & belief."

Today, take a minute to think about the past difficulties you have conquered & learned from. Each of them is evidence that you have the resilience & capacity to work through whatever you are facing right now. 

Your past has been preparing you for this moment.   Keep going.